You are TORTURING ME with these Dani covers. I'm dying to work with her.

Also, that 124 carat Aquamarine has me THINKING THINGS.

Maybe no more Sunday posts, Tini?

You are potentially AWAKENING THINGS.

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Me in the museum: I want to put the gems in my mouth. Could Selina steal them this way? Oh, the security guard is staring at me, time to go...

We could be a pretty boss thieves guild, Kelly!

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I would be TERRIBLE at crime.

But I do like to dream. <3

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my god that new season of HOW TO

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The part in episode 3 where the personal trainer says he's proud of his...infamous former clients...I had to stop the episode and catch my breath.

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I mean, look, they got the job done

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Those Dani covers 😍😍😍

And DARK X-MEN was superb!

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Dani is just KILLING it. As is Steve! Good comics all around!

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Thank you - I love a Sunday newsletter! And love IDIB! Still bemoaning the Chromatics breakup, but have you been listening to what Ruth Radelet and Adam Miller have been doing solo? Amazing stuff

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I haven't listened to too much of their solo stuff, I'll have to check it out! We are big Johnny Jewel/Desire fans.

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