The news is out with DC’s September solicitations:
Both of my ongoing DC Comics series, Catwoman and Harley Quinn, are coming to an end in September with Catwoman #68 and Harley Quinn #43.
I couldn’t be prouder.
Firstly, I’ve known about this for a long, long time. It wasn’t a surprise to me, so don’t worry about that. If you’ve got your eyes on the comics rags, you might be seeing that a lot of incredible DC Comics series are coming to an end right before October. So we’re in fine company.
I’ve had the time to write exactly the endings I wanted, for both of these characters. Selina’s Nine Lives arc has been the kind of story I’ve always wanted to tell in comics, and getting to do it to such great feedback has been the joy of a lifetime. We’re ending it with a bang, with the surprise return of one of Catwoman’s fiercest villains. (Note: the solicit text spoils this, so if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t go look it up!) I’m so proud of this book, and I think it’s going to make a gorgeous conclusion to our dark, passionate, worldwide whirlwind of a story for Selina.
Our girl Harls is finding her old self again in a new way with her villain outreach program in the pages of Harley Quinn, and we’ve got the culmination of that coming up with Robin, Mr. Freeze, the continuation of Maxie Zeus’s origin story, and Harley’s hyenas coming home to roost - metaphorically, that is.
Do I have more stories to tell with them? Of course - and there’s a home for those that I can’t talk about yet, with one of comics’ favorite artists. We’ve only gotten to work together for a few pages in the past, so a whole new book together will be hot as hell. The next thing is also in a new format! Which is maybe the most exciting part of this, for me personally.
For the first time since maybe 2018, I’m taking a step back from the monthly comics grind. Every month for the past six years, I’ve owed at minimum, two scripts to my publishers. The sole exception to this? The few months during early COVID where I wrote Excalibur and X of Swords - writing one and a half scripts a month, and reading/reviewing everyone else’s. But honestly, I’d decreased my workload for that summer in advance, knowing that I had an event to pull off.
But ever since then? The comics have been made. I haven’t missed a month. And I am so, so proud, and more than a little burnt out.
It’s a different animal, making comics on a monthly schedule. It’s different from a graphic novel, or even a miniseries, where you get a little more time to plan. On the monthly grind you have to keep several different options and pivots floating in your head at all times, you’re adapting to events and other books, you’re adapting to the market’s needs, or artist changes. The book has to go out, even if it’s not the best version you see in your head, because that’s deadlines, baby, that’s the gig. At some point, the heart finds itself missing the power that comes with writing stories that are less inherently limited by structure, schedules, and content limitations. Getting to step away and do something else is a luxury, one I’ve worked really hard for, and you’ll see the fruits of all of that soon.
If you love my work on these characters, thank you, and don’t be sad - my days with these sirens aren’t over. In addition to the rest of these two runs, we’ve got the Harley backup story in Batman 151, and more to come. If you don’t love my work on these characters, enjoy my absence on the main monthly titles - I don’t know what’s coming next for these books, but I’m excited to see who takes over, as a fan.
I’ll have more feelings on both of these girls as we get closer to the ends of their respective runs, but for now - I’m just happy to get that off my chest! I’ve known for months!
I’ve got a few in the hopper, currently in various hands and states of development. I don’t want to talk about them in any material way yet, but the chance to stretch feels incredible. Phenomenocity isn’t dead, our boy Phillip Sevy just can’t stop drawing the most beautiful X-Men around. Far be it from me to stop him.
Of the other projects I have in the works, I can say this: one I hope to be a long-running insane, high-octane power climb that can build for years until we fight God. The other: a small, quiet love story in a gods-awful place.
There are so many others - a novel, a reprint, a short story for a classic horror property - and it feels really good, for the first time in years, so look at those things with the deserved focus again.
Thanks for being here.
Stay weird, talk soon -
-TH 6.17.24 17:32