Welcome, traveler. No time to rest your weary head. A quest has begun.
*EDIT: And has ALREADY sold out at the distributor level and is going back for a second printing!
Can we hear a little commotion for some of these covers?

Comprised of new and old members of Excalibur and a few new faces, the KNIGHTS OF X are a continuation of our story of mutant high fantasy linking Krakoa and Otherworld. We hope you picked up and enjoyed our continuing adventures of Captain Britain and her new crew, written by me, and drawn by the AMAZING, genuinely fucking incredible Bob Quinn.
I gotta be honest with you guys - after really developing this world and these characters with Marcus To for so long in Excalibur, I was nervous about a new artist for Otherworld. But when Bob’s name came up in the art casting, I jumped at the chance. He was already a member of the Krakoan family thanks to his incredible work on Way of X, which was just a bonus - he already understood how we work in the office, and the artists are as much as part of our family as the writers.
What Bob’s done in this first 30 pages is nothing short of miraculous madness, to me. HOW he visually crammed so much of our story in here and made it look so natural and good is beyond me but boy am I glad for it. Thank you Bob. EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU BOB.
Also thank: Erick Arciniega and Arianna Maher on colors and letters, bringing their expertise from Excalibur over to this new book in a way that really helps unify things. Love this team.
If you liked KNIGHTS OF X #1 tell your shop, spread the word, and pre-order #2 from your local comic shop or a trusted shop online. Here’s a link where you can order it from Midtown Comics, if you want, (though YOUR local shop would probably appreciate the business.)
I keep banging this drum about pre-orders when I usually really try not to care about how you read your comics. Because I get it - for all the great comic shops and retailers out there, there are a few who really give fans crap about what they read and order. Believe it or not, I myself went into a comic shop recently with Blake to ask about a book that looked good, and instead of helping us, the retailer launched into a diatribe about their disappointment in that publisher.
Needless to say, we didn’t spend any money and didn’t get the book we wanted.
It broke my heart thinking about someone who wasn’t part of the industry having that experience. This guy didn’t know who we were, we were just a couple looking for a book to read, and we got an earful.
When I worked at a shop I took getting people their books really seriously. Even if it wasn’t the stuff I liked or read, I value the kind of person who is engaged enough with books that they’ll go into the store to subscribe and spend money on them. And I am willing to bet that your local shop has an employee who values that too - by and large, comics retail employees are there for the love of the game, and they want to help you love it as well.
(Just a shoutout to one of my all time favorite shops - Acme Comics in Greensboro, NC. They have a great eBay shop of variants and collectibles, too. Jermaine is one of the greats - they don’t call him Lord Retail for nothin’. I’m just happy to call him my friend.)
Happy Wednesday, my dudes.
I gotta wrap this up and get out of here, but did any of you see The Northman? Robert Eggers’ new film blew my mind. Saw it opening night and if it weren’t for all of the other good movies out right now, I’d go see it again.
It’s got a great cast, it’s wild, brutal, and unflinching, but the film itself treats it women with a respect that’s not often found in brutal movies set in brutal periods. Was very pleased to see that.
Everyone is filthy and still somehow pretty hot. Bjork is in it.
This is my favorite Bjork album.
Lastly - those transmissions are still coming through. Next week, you’ll learn more.
Stay weird! Talk soon. Ciao~
TH 4.27.22 2.44PM